Cherry MX
- CHERRY MX Developer Information | Individual MX keyboard - Cherry
USB Type-C Specification
- USB Type-C® Cable and Connector Specification | USB-IF
- USB Type-C® Cable and Connector Specification Release 2.4 | USB-IF
Plate Generator
- Unified-Daughterboard/UDB-C-JSH
- Unified-Daughterboard/UDB-C-EZM
- Unified-Daughterboard/UDB-S: Narrow variant unified daughterboards for custom keyboard designers and users
- lyso1/Lysol-XYZ-DBoard: An edited version of the daughter board that was used on XYZ's B-KEN-KO
STEP files for PCB
Effective Keyboard Height
Open-source Custom Keyboard
- zekkin/ogre: Ogre
- lewisflude/dalco-959-mini: Manufacturing files for Dalco 959 Mini
- Quantrik/Kyuu: Kyuu Keyboard Design
- ojthetiny/OpenTKL: Fully Open source TKL keyboard
- Royster0/RoySauce-60: 60% custom mechanical keyboard with top mount and gummy o-ring mount.
- Zlanee/Kihon: Open sourced 60% keyboard
- Zlanee/Xenon: An open source top mount WKL Tkl
- kkatano/bakeneko-60: A simple 60% keyboard
- hali4045/halineko: a redesigned bakeneko
- hali4045/mafialice: two piece open source tadpole alice compatible with alice plates and pcbs
- hali4045/keebsmas-2022: a collection of open source keyboard case designs speedran for keebsmas in support of diygirls
- vuon0029/freakey60: Modified Bakeneko60 with side profile changes, "cherry lip" and Unikorn style weight
- kztkzt/bakeneko_weighted: kkatano's bakeneko with a thin back weight
- Bossiskeyboard/backplate-bakeneko60: Based on the gummy o-ring mount keyboard Bakeneko 60 but with a backplate/back weight and a side profile that is inspired by the Unikorn
- takishim/mikeneko65: Mikeneko65 is a 65% custom mechanical keyboard forked from Bakeneko65 (v3).
Render Files
Keyboard Designing Stream/Video
- 65% Keyboard Case Design - YouTube
- Fusion 360 TKL full design (no voiceover) - YouTube
- Designing F13 WKL Tkl Keyboard in Fusion 360 - YouTube
- Bakeneko with weight speedrun 12:02:24 NWR (real) - YouTube
Discord Server
- ThereminGoat's Switches
- alexotos - A Tech Hub & Blog For Everyone
- Lightning Keyboards
- hali keyboard design
- Bowl Keyboards
- Collection — cgbuen
- iamelvn | build service in Malaysia | Malaysia
- Masterzen's Blog
- Drill size chart
- Threaded Hole Guideline
- CNC Machining Design Guideline
- ISO 2768 Tolerance Standards for CNC Machining
- CNC常见表面处理效果展示
- JLC3DP - Commonly used anodized colors with the material... | Facebook
- List of things that affect keyboard sound 🌭 - Google スプレッドシート
- Bakeneko V3 Parts Guide
- History of Custom KBDs
- [OTD] New OTD wiki
- OTD란? : 네이버 블로
- Designing a keyboard from scratch - Part 1 - Masterzen’s Blog
- Sandblasting plastics - principles, basics, test results, random info
- キーボードに個性を出すひと手間について
- 【CNC】アルミ削り出しの自作キーボード用ケースを作る|cop
- 「Paren48」のアルミ削り出しケースを作った話 - ぴろりのくせになまいきだ。
- JLC3DP(JLCPCB)にアルミCNC加工を依頼した話|kiiroinya
- 【自作キーボード】初心者が分割型のキーボードを設計したらこうなった【löwin44】 / きりたんぽ研究室
- 面取り - Self-Made Keyboards in Japan
- 穴加工の基本と設計のポイント | meviy | ミスミ
- アルマイト「黒」と「つや消し黒」の特徴と違いを理解して、部品用途にあった処理方法を使いましょう | meviy | ミスミ
- メッキライブラリ | 三和鍍金
- 金属材料 | 金属材料、加工技術、金属スクラップの東洋サクセス